Christopher read in Italian and Gaelic at the Premio Rilke prizegiving in Duino near Trieste
In September 2023 NON DIMENTICARE GLI ANGELI in Gaelic and Italian won the Premio Rilke and was then published by Vita Activa Nuova Editrie. Christopher reads a new poem first in Italian and then in Gaelic.
Christopher Whyte at StAnza 2021
In March 2021 Christopher contributed a 20-minute reading to the StAnza Poetry Festival in St Andrew’s, Scotland, much of which was held online. He reads in Gaelic, with introductions and subtitling in English.

An Interview with Christopher Whyte by Jennifer Morag Henderson
Jennifer Morag Henderson and Christopher read the opening lines of ‘Aig uaigh nach eil ann’ / ‘At a Grave That Is Not There’ in Gaelic, English and Scots.

Christopher and Michael Shaw discuss “Power From Things Not Declared”
In a new video by the Edwin Morgan Trust, “Power From Things Not Declared,” Christopher and Michael Shaw discuss Christopher’s groundbreaking interview with Edwin Morgan in 1988 and the influence Morgan had on his own work. The resulting exchange spans across generations, and reflects on queerness, Glasgow, and poetry.

Christopher reading from his poem “Miann” (“A Wish”)
Christopher reading in Gaelic at the 2018 Winter Warmer Festival in Cork, Ireland (with English subtitles).